My GP has prescribed various topical treatments - hydrocortisone being the most frequent though he has also prescribed anti-histamines too - and I've invested a lot of money in sourcing the best itch-stop cream on the market - none of which have made any difference.
So I was excited to be asked to trial a product which not only promised to treat eczema, psoriasis and itching but also claimed to provide pain relief! What better invention could a fibromyalgic scratch monster wish for?
The Fay Farm's Healing CBD Hemp Lotion is handmade using only natural ingredients - many produced on the farm itself in Seattle, Washington, USA. None of their products use parabens, alcohol, mineral oil, or phthalates. The ingredient list for the Healing CBD Hemp Lotion reads like a top chef's shopping list; grape seed oil, apricot kernel oil, emulsifying wax, stearic acid, argan oil, burdock, calendula, chamomile, chickweed, comfrey, licorice, to name but a few. All combined into a deeply aromatic lotion that feels as good as you would expect a top of the range topical lotion to feel but with the added benefit of Cannabidiol Oil to provide effective relief from associated muscle pain.
I'm always sceptical about claims of pain relief from topical lotions - I've tried the likes of Deep Heat and Voltarol in the past and they've been about as effective as chocolate kettles. My experience of them has left me in as much pain as before I used them and stinking like a chemical factory! The same cannot be said about this Fay Farm Lotion. On smell alone it beats the best of the best lotions on the market today. As far as treating my scaly itchy patches I was surprised at how rapidly the lotion was absorbed. I thought I must be doing it wrong so kept applying it, but each time my skin felt softer and more elastic. I must have reached some sort of saturation point when the lotion simply refused to soak in any more, only then did it feel greasy! Within minutes of applying it my itching had stopped and was replaced with a gentle 'tingling' and warming sensation. After two days of applying the lotion twice daily I began to notice the scaly patches shrinking in size and the itching gone - but what about pain relief?
Like I say, I'm a sceptic when it comes to pain relieving lotions and creams - in fact I'm a sceptic when it comes to even Morphine being effective against my pain to give you an idea of where I'm at as far as pain relief goes - but, as a sceptic, I need to be proven wrong (I pray to be proven wrong some day!)
I have to be honest and tell you that the lotion did not relieve the pain in my lower back - but when you consider that not even morphine takes that pain away then you will probably not be surprised to hear that - HOWEVER - (here's the bit where you say "Oh, he's been told to say that because he got the product for free blah, blah, blah...") HOWEVER - I do suffer badly with fibromyalgia pains in my shoulders and elbows (tennis elbow) and the lotion was effective at providing some relief from that - it didn't take it away completely but it did make things more bearable and comfortable in those areas, especially my shoulders.
Overall I can honestly say that The Fay Farm's Healing CBD Hemp Lotion is an effective moisturiser and treatment for excessively dry skin conditions. It's especially soothing for itchy skin and goes some way to relieving mild to moderate muscular aches and pains.
If I have one 'gripe' about the product it's that the scent - lovely as it is - is not particularly 'masculine' and that's fine if, like me, you spend most of your time at home with family, but if I was socialising with my buddies over a pint or two down at the Rose & Crown I certainly wouldn't want them questioning my choice of 'deodorant'!!
My primary aim in testing this lotion was to ascertain its effectiveness at soothing my eczema and for this it far exceeded my expectations. If you've tried everything else without success you have nothing to lose in giving this lotion a go.
You can find out more - and view their wide range of products - at www.thefayfarm.com - you can also read more about their CBD Oil range and get a 10% discount and free shipping* on any order (just enter the code "fibromen") here - http://thefayfarm.com/p/cbd
*Free shipping only available in US.
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