Saturday, 8 July 2017

Moving Home, Downsizing & Getting Back On Top of Things!

For far too long I have struggled to maintain a semblance of balance between my home, work and online lives. I know now that juggling several websites and blogs is not only time consuming but also, with my conditions, ruining my 'me' time and having an impact on my health and family life. This is possibly one of the causes of my grand mal depression last year - and why, ever since, I have avoided my blogs and sites (to a certain extent) only posting when I felt I absolutely must.

What I think I'm saying is that I've become over-stretched by trying to maintain too many things in too many places, blogs on weebly, blogs on blogger, sites on Fibro and trying to build a social site for fibro / chronic pain sufferers. I've confused myself as well as my readers.

However, I have always liked blogging so I don't want to abandon it altogether, though I definitely need to trim off some of the branches that are no longer a pleasure. So, with immediate effect I am transferring this blog to a new site, where I will endeavour to combine every element of my online activities - A blog, (singular) with links to each of the two main fibromyalgia sites ( and The blog and site will be hosted through Wordpress (sorry Blogger) The site will also encompass elements of my other activities and hobbies - namely web site development and domains, hosting, email sales with my micro business (GEEMAC and GEEMAC Web)

I will endeavour to reconnect with those friends I have made through this blog over time - so this isn't goodbye, merely adieu until we meet again at the new site:

My Fibro Life

I look forward to seeing you there. Thanks to those who have followed this blog and my many struggles over the past five years.


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