Monday, 10 August 2015

Do You Want to be in a Book About Fibromyalgia?

We've been approached by author Cris Williams to help her source respondents for a new book she is currently writing which will seek to raise awareness of chronic pain conditions - fibro, IBS and so on - and get the message out there about how it affects each and every one of us.

The writer is looking for responses from anyone touched by Fibromyalgia - male and female patients, carers, partners, children and even doctors - to enable her to write from all perspectives.

If you're interested, or know of someone who might be willing to complete a short(ish) questionnaire, please email in the first instance.

For my part I have already received the questionnaire and it looks relatively straightforward from a patient's perspective - how it affects my day to day activities, how I feel about the illness etc etc.

I have also roped in my long suffering wife and her questionnaire from a partner's perspective is equally straightforward!

The questionnaires can be completed in your own time and total anonymity is guaranteed if you wish it. (Never one to shy away from these things I'm having my name in huge letters across anything used in the published tome!! - after all we must all play our part in raising awareness of this hideous condition!!)

So, please, step up, email the writer and get your, your partners, carers, childrens voices heard.


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