Saturday 25 April 2015

Raising Awareness

The primary focus of all my efforts in building this site, blog and related social media pages has been, and will remain, awareness raising. Raising awareness in men primarily, but not exclusively. Because men are seen as the minority group in fibromyalgia. Many health professionals still see fibromyalgia as  a female only syndrome - so when they see men presenting with the same or similar symptoms they dismiss fibromyalgia as a possible diagnosis. So, if men are being ignored by the medical profession we need to make our voices heard - loud and clear. This isn't going away. Men do get fibromyalgia.

But I can't raise awareness on my own. I know that there are many many sites out there providing advice and guidance about fibromyalgia and I welcome them with open arms. I'm not competing with them, I'm embracing them - whether about fibro in men, women, the elderly, the young - anything and everything fibromyalgia related is being read, linked to, joined, signed up to and shared. You'll find FibroGuys on everything from Twitter to Pinterest, Facebook to Google+ and Google+ Communities, blog lists and directories, National and international fibromyalgia associations' sites - and I urge everyone who reads my blog posts and facebook messages to also join and link with and sign up to any and all of them, not only to boost my 'follower' numbers but to share the images, stories, advice, tips, medical reports, research findings about fibromyalgia and related conditions so that we can grow bigger and stronger together. It is only by joining together that we can create a loud enough voice to be heard.

So please, join with me to share your story and journey so that together we can be louder - share your links on my site, on facebook on twitter on Google+ - I'll happily link to any site or blog or share any post I feel would be of interest and value to my visitors - you can send me your link as a comment here or on any of the above linked social media outlets - or you can email me ( ).

Let's be heard - we're stronger together.

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